Xyz is a distinguished company which aim to operate small and large operations and deliver professional persona to every services it does. We have an extortionary character than any other surveying company And that why our performance in a consistent rising due to our efficiency and dedication in every work.

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About Us

Our firm is large and professional enough to effectively operate in highly complex and huge projects, yet small enough to and huge projects, yet small enough to deliver personalized professional support and after sales services to each and every and after sales services to each and every individual. The Managing directors and executives of our firm are directly involved in every project

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.

Our distinguished finger print is the difference between XYZ and any other survey engineering firms. It is the primary reason why our performance consistently exceeds the expectations of our clients and effectively meets the criteria of our business partners.

Our Vision

We aim to develop our work techniques and incubate sophisticated and advanced surveying, positioning and engineering technologies, in order to become the leading surveying company in the Arab republic of Egypt and to set the highest standards

characteristics in the field, to become the role model and the pioneers of surveying engineering and consultancy services

Our distinguished finger print is the difference between XYZ and any other survey engineering firms. It is the primary reason why our performance consistently exceeds the expectations of our clients and effectively meets the criteria of our business partners.

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Our Equipments & Brands

Global Positioning System Total Station Digital Level Echo Sounder 3D Laser Scanner
Total Station
Digital Level
Echo Sounder
3D Laser Scanner
Trimble Leica Sokkia Topcon Nikkon

TABLE OF Projects

01. Topographic , cadastral , asbuilt surveying and supervision on implemntation for high-speed train (elsokhna-matrouh)

02. Topographic , cadastral , asbuilt surveying and supervision on implemntation for high-speed train (Octobar-Aswan)

03. Topographic , cadastral , asbuilt surveying and supervision on implemntation for Sukari Gold Mine

04. Topographic , cadastral , asbuilt surveying and supervision on implemntation for Elsokhna Port

05. Extension and increase efficiency of international coast road

06. Ring Road Extension


07. Topographic Surveying and supervision on implementation of Mineral Resources Mine

08. Establish Control Points For Gold Pyramid

09. Topographic Survey and Develop Fish Farm Bounds

10. Topographic Survey and Supervising on Solar Energy

11. Topographic Survey for Ring Road Al-awsaty Phase 3

12. 30 June Road Extension

13. Hydrographic Surveying for Red Sea ( Elsokhna)

14. Hydrographic Surveying For Suez Canal


15. Hydrographic Surveying For El-Manzala Lake

16. Hydrographic Surveying For Maryot Lake

17. basin of Deposition East/West Suez Canal

18. Naval Base East Port Said

19. Sak Al-Soban Road

20. ismaliya ouga Road

21. Manzala Lake Road

22. Emergency Canal Road


23. Free Fishing Lake

24. Road OF Dahshour Militiry

25. Alkhma'l (New Giza)

26. textile industries at Al-Saddat Road

27. People's Square Road

28. Egyptian countryside Road

29. Om Kammar Road

30. Free Fishing West Port Said Road


31. Fish Farm Bounds East Port Said

32. Topographic Survey For Toshka /Al-awainat East

33. Supervising on Surveying Works for Development the Roads linking between Crossing Roads and Al-morshedyn Road

34. Topographic Survey For Peopel's Squre Phase (4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8)

35. experimental Station For Producing Energy From Sea Waves

36. Establishing Halaib & Shalaten Mine

37. agriculture Green House (Ismaliya - Alexandria)


38. Fairgrounds Project

39. Sheraton Roads Development

40. Linking Al-ma'abr and Al-morshdyn

41. Fish Farm Roads At Al-deba

42. Quarris Service Road From Al-Moshir To Elsokhna

43. Extension and increase efficiency of Autostrade Road

44. Topographic , Cadastral Surveying For Al-manzala & Maryot Lakes


45. Extension and increase efficiency of Al-Maadi Corniche

46. Extension and increase efficiency of Masr Al-gdeda

47. Extension and increase efficiency of Airport Roads

48. Upper Roads Works For Tersa Bridge

49. Topographic Survey For Al-Manzala Ph2

50. Supervising On Rind Road (Sharm El-shekh)

51. Topographic Surveying for dualing railway of Al-Mansoura and Domyat

52. Supervising on Toshka Road (East Al-Awaynat)

53. Supervising on Bus Station at ( Masr Al-gdeda)

54. Establishing Main Road ( Al-gza'er)

55. Establishing Main Road (Al-maryotya)

56. Establishing Main Road (Al-marg)

57. Topography Surveying For HasabAllah Al-kafrawy

58. Malogrem Project

59. Topographic Surveying For Extenstion and Develop Al-Dabaa Road 260k Length

60. Supervising on Extenstion and Develop Desert Road (Cairo / Alexandria )

61. Topographic Surveying For Implementing Ring Road (Sharm Al- shekh)

62. Dualing , Develop , and Raise Efficiency of Eastern Desert Road (Qena- Luxor) Phase 2

63. Developing and Extension Al-moa'hda Road (Ismaliya - Gneva Suez)

64. Bus Station New Administrative Capital

65. Wave Barrier At Fish Farms (Port Said)


Our Services

Geodetic Surveying


Hydrographic Surveying

Cadastral Surveying

Mining Surveying

As Built survey


All Construction Surveying

Our Clients

  • Department of Military Engineers
  • Public Authority for Roads and Bridges
  • Egyptian Public Authority for Survey
  • Public Authority for Transportation Projects Planning
  • The national company
  • Nile Public Company for Roads and Bridges
  • Hassan Allam Company
  • Petrojet Company
  • The Arab Contractors
  • Sukari Gold Mine
  • Centamin
  • Concord Company
  • Orascom Company
  • Blow Power Company

  • Minard Company
  • Golden Eagle Company For Mineral Resources
  • Samcrete Egypt
  • Suez Canal For Investment
  • Genco Geo technical Company
  • Al-Salmi Company
  • Apex Company For marine engineering
  • Sahmoud Company
  • Al-souda Group
  • Sukari Gold Mine
  • Shalatin Company For Mineral Resources
  • United Company For Gold And Mining
  • Red Sea Company
  • Target Company

Contact Me

Contact Info

7 Youssef Abbas Street, Nasr City